
I've got confusing behavior and the cause was somewhat hard to discover:

-- 8< --
$ git status
On branch linux
Your branch is ahead of 'vendor/jps2rin_arm' by 2 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ git push
Everything up-to-date
$ git status
On branch linux
Your branch is ahead of 'vendor/jps2rin_arm' by 2 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ git branch -vv
* linux  e8906f9 [vendor/jps2rin_arm: ahead 2] Linux: get rid of unused files
  master 4d1f931 [origin/master] Linux: add README and config
-- 8< --

What's going on here? Why 'git status' and 'git branch' both insist
there are 2 unpushed commits yet 'git push' does nothing? Let's try to

-- 8< --
$ git push -v
Pushing to /var/local/group/firmware/git/jps2rin
To /var/local/group/firmware/git/jps2rin
 = [up to date]      linux -> linux
updating local tracking ref 'refs/remotes/origin/linux'
Everything up-to-date
-- 8< --

So it pushes branch 'linux' to 'linux' at


where everything is already published... And this push destination
doesn't match 'vendor/jps2rin_arm' to which both 'git status' and 'git
branch -vv' refer, so that's where the difference is! 

Here is actual branch configuration:

-- 8< --
$ git config --get-regexp branch[.]linux
branch.linux.remote vendor
branch.linux.merge jps2rin_arm
branch.linux.pushremote origin
branch.linux.rebase preserve
$ git remote -v
origin  /var/local/group/firmware/git/jps2rin (fetch)
origin  /var/local/group/firmware/git/jps2rin (push)
vendor  ssh://git@git/gis/Justin2 (fetch)
vendor  ssh://git@git/gis/Justin2 (push)
-- 8< --

So, finally, it's 'branch.linux.pushremote' that is the "offender".

Looks like both 'git status' and 'git branch -vv' should somehow learn
about 'branch.<name>.pushremote' feature so that their
output/suggestions make more sense?

By the way, is there a simpler/better way to print entire configuration
of a [current] branch? More human-readable? Including

$ git --version
git version


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