On Wed, Dec 12 2018, Jeff King wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 03:01:47AM +0000, Iucha, Florin wrote:
>> I am running “git-repack  -A -d -f -F --window=250 --depth=250” on a
>> Git repository converted using git-svn.
> Sort of tangential to your question, but:
>   - Using "-F" implies "-f" already, so you don't need both. That said,
>     you are probably wasting CPU to use "-F", unless you have adjusted
>     zlib compression settings since the last pack. (Whereas using "-f"
>     is useful, if you're willing to pay the CPU tradeoff).
>   - Using --depth=250 does not actually decrease the packfile size very
>     much, and results in a packfile which is more expensive for
>     subsequent processes to use. Some experimentation showed that
>     --depth=50 is a sweet spot, and that is the default for both normal
>     "git gc" and "git gc --aggressive" these days.
>     See 07e7dbf0db (gc: default aggressive depth to 50, 2016-08-11) for
>     more discussion.

I wonder if the size is still too high. I'd rather take the 5-10%
speedup quoted in that commit than a slight decrease in disk space use.

The git.git repository now with the repack command in that commit
message, with --depth=$n:

    573M    /tmp/git-1
    200M    /tmp/git-2
    118M    /tmp/git-3
    91M     /tmp/git-4
    82M     /tmp/git-5
    77M     /tmp/git-6
    74M     /tmp/git-7
    72M     /tmp/git-8
    71M     /tmp/git-9
    70M     /tmp/git-10
    67M     /tmp/git-15
    66M     /tmp/git-20
    65M     /tmp/git-40
    65M     /tmp/git-35
    65M     /tmp/git-30
    65M     /tmp/git-25
    64M     /tmp/git-50
    64M     /tmp/git-45

Produced via:

    parallel 'rm -rf /tmp/git-{}; cp -Rvp /tmp/git.git/ /tmp/git-{} && git -C 
/tmp/git-{} repack -adf --depth={} --window=250' ::: {1..10} 15 20 25 30 35 40 
45 50

And then the log -S benchmarks:

              s/iter log -S 1 log -S 50 log -S 45 log -S 35 log -S 30 log -S 25 
log -S 20 log -S 15 log -S 10 log -S 5
    log -S 1    12.6       --      -26%      -27%      -32%      -36%      -38% 
     -38%      -39%      -40%     -42%
    log -S 50   9.28      36%        --       -0%       -7%      -13%      -15% 
     -16%      -18%      -19%     -21%
    log -S 45   9.25      36%        0%        --       -7%      -12%      -15% 
     -16%      -17%      -19%     -20%
    log -S 35   8.62      46%        8%        7%        --       -6%       -9% 
     -10%      -11%      -13%     -14%
    log -S 30   8.12      55%       14%       14%        6%        --       -3% 
      -4%       -6%       -8%      -9%
    log -S 25   7.86      60%       18%       18%       10%        3%        -- 
      -1%       -3%       -5%      -6%
    log -S 20   7.77      62%       19%       19%       11%        4%        1% 
       --       -2%       -3%      -5%
    log -S 15   7.64      65%       21%       21%       13%        6%        3% 
       2%        --       -2%      -4%
    log -S 10   7.51      68%       24%       23%       15%        8%        5% 
       3%        2%        --      -2%
    log -S 5    7.37      71%       26%       25%       17%       10%        7% 
       5%        4%        2%       --

So we're getting a 20% speedup in log -S by using --depth=5 instead of
--depth=50, neatly at the cost of 20% more disk space, but could also
get a 19% speedup for 8% (--depth=10) more disk space, etc.

Then in rev-list it makes less of a difference, narrowing this down a

                s/iter rev-list 50 rev-list 25 rev-list 10  rev-list 5
    rev-list 50   1.61          --         -1%         -4%         -5%
    rev-list 25   1.60          1%          --         -3%         -4%
    rev-list 10   1.55          4%          3%          --         -1%
    rev-list 5    1.54          5%          4%          1%          --

It seems to me we should at least move this to --depth=25 by default. A
~15% speedup in log -S & other mass-blob lookups for 1.5% more disk
space seems like a good trade-off. As your commit notes RAM (or disk
space) is not commonly the bottleneck anymore.

>> The system is a 16 core / 32 thread Threadripper with 128GB of RAM and
>> NVMe storage. The repack starts strong, with 32 threads but it fairly
>> quickly gets to 99% done and the number of threads drops to 4 then 3
>> then 2. However, running “dstat 5” I see lots of “sys” time without
>> any IO time (the network traffic you see is caused by SSH).
> This sounds mostly normal and expected. The parallel part of a repack is
> the delta search, which is not infinitely parallelizable. Each worker
> thread is given a "chunk" of objects, and it uses a sliding window to
> search for delta pairs through that chunk. You don't want a chunk that
> approaches the window size, since at every chunk boundary you're missing
> delta possibilities.
> The default chunk size is about 1/nr_threads of the total list size
> (i.e., we portion out all the work). And then when a thread finishes, we
> take work from the thread with the most work remaining, and portion it
> out. However, at some point the chunks approach their minimum, and we
> stop dividing. So the number of threads will drop, eventually to 1, and
> you'll be waiting on it to finish that final chunk.
> So that's all working as planned. Having high sys load does seem a bit
> odd. Most of the effort should be going to reading the mmap'd data from
> disk, zlib-inflating it and computing a fingerprint, and then comparing
> the fingerprints. So that would mostly be user time.
>> Running a strace on the running git-repack process shows only these:
>> --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
>> --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
>> --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
>> --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
>> --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
>> --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
>> Any idea on how to debug this? I have ran git-repack under gdb, but it seems 
>> to spin on builtin/repack.c line 409.
> The heavy lifting here is done by the pack-objects child process, not
> git-repack itself. Try running with GIT_TRACE=1 in the environment to
> see the exact invocation, but timing and debugging:
>   git pack-objects --all --no-reuse-delta --delta-base-offset --stdout \
>     </dev/null >/dev/null
> should produce interesting results.
> The SIGALRM loop you see above is likely just the progress meter
> triggering once per second (the actual worker threads are updating an
> int, and then at least once per second we'll show the int).
> -Peff

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