Am Sonntag, den 03.02.2013, 21:55 +0530 schrieb Sitaram Chamarty:
> Could you help me understand why piping it to tar (actually 'tar -C
> /dest/dir -x') is not sufficient to achieve what you want?

Piping the output of git archive into tar is of course a possible
solution; I just don't like the fact that you need to pipe the output
into a separate program to do something that should be possible with a
simple switch and not an extra command. It feels unintuitive and like a
workaround to make an archive just to unpack it on-the-fly. Also, adding
such a command (or at least documenting the way to do this using a pipe
to tar somewhere in the man pages) is a small and simple change that
improves usability.

Yours, Robert Clausecker

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