On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Ted Zlatanov <t...@lifelogs.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:05:03 -0400 John Szakmeister <j...@szakmeister.net> 
> wrote:
> JS> Just wanted to keep folks in the loop.  It turns out that the Secrets
> JS> API is still to young.  I asked about the format to store credentials
> JS> in (as far as attributes), and got a response from a KDE developer
> JS> that says it's still to young on their front.  They hope to have
> JS> support in the next release of KDE.  But there's still the issue of
> JS> what attributes to use.
> JS> With that information, I went ahead and created a
> JS> gnome-credential-keyring that uses Gnome's Keyring facility.  I still
> JS> need to do a few more things (mainly run it against Jeff's tests), but
> JS> it's generally working.  Just wanted to keep folks in the loop.
> JS> Hopefully, I can get patches out this weekend.
> Do you think the Secrets API has matured enough?  KDE has had a new
> release since your post...

Yes, I think it has.  Several other applications appear to be using
it, including some things considered "core" in Fedora--which is a good

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