Hello Bert,

> But I don't understand this in full. Does this mean pressing CTRL+1 or
> +2 does also changes the file selection? Why isn't it sufficient to
> just focus the respective file list widget? And than have bindings to
> change the selection?
> Bert

I don't think it's feasible to focus either of those two widgets
without explicitly selecting a file. I tried it at first, but I
couldn't get it working. I'm not going to claim it's impossible (it's
probably possible), but I gave it up.
Consider this: when you click either of those two widgets with your
mouse, you're not really clicking the widget. You're clicking a file
listed in that widget. Clicking just the widget (in the blank space
beneath the files) does nothing in git-gui. You have to actually click
a file for the focus to change.

(To be precise, pressing CTRL+1/2 selects the same file that was
already selected in that widget)

Reading your question, I realised my wording in the commit message
wasn't very good. I'll try to improve it.

Best regards,

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