On 14/10/2019 18:57, Pratyush Yadav wrote:
list "refs/heads/MSVC-README" [list "commit"
"056fb95c8e983ec07e9f5f8baa0b119bf3d13fed" [concat "" "Philip Oakley"]
[reformat_date [concat "" "Sun May 19 22:33:37 2019 +0100"]]
"compat/vcSegmentation fault

Not exactly the same, but almost. Ends the same place, with as similar short
This is run inside the bash that is started directly by the git-for-windows
sdk start icon. (Target: C:\git-sdk-64\git-bash.exe   Stat in:

so looks to be MSYS2/bash related.
Ah, so it is an upstream issue. I guess we can just report it and wait
for them to fix it.
I'd missed the final 'Segmentation fault' on the last line in the bash output that wasn't there for the captured file.

That was repeatable in re-testing.
But failed if I changed the $fmt string to a plain text 500 char string ("1234567890123...").

I've still to trim down the complicated $fmt string to see if I can see where that seg fault starts (i.e. some form of MVCE), so that it can be investigated. Possibly should check if the --tcl flag actually invokes any tcl! Otherwise it's fully in the Git/G-f-W zone.

Just rebuilt (I hope) the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with git v2.23.0 installed and got:

list "refs/heads/MSVC-README" [list "commit" "056fb95c8e983ec07e9f5f8baa0b119bf3d13fed" [concat "" "Philip Oakley"] [reformat_date [concat "" "Sun May 19 22:33:37 2019 +0100"]] "compat/vcbuild/README: clean/update 'vcpkg' env for Visual Studio updates"] [list "" "" "" [reformat_date ""] ""]
munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer
Aborted (core dumped)

That said, haven't got the gitk and git gui to work yet on the WSL because it doesn't like the tcl/tk.

It's a bit of a hole digging exercise.


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