On 17/10/19 07:08AM, Birger Skogeng Pedersen wrote:
> Hi Pratyush,
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 9:28 PM Pratyush Yadav <m...@yadavpratyush.com> wrote:
> > I mentioned this earlier, and I'll mention this again: I'm not sure
> > whether this feature would be a good thing for the larger population. So
> > this _might_ not end up being accepted depending on how people react to
> > the proposal. I thought I'd let you know to avoid any nasty surprises
> > later.
> Could you please elaborate on why you think the feature might be
> undesired? Why would users not want a staged file to be selected
> automatically?

I have similar arguments to what Philip said in the GitHub link you 
sent. I think software should do what the user tells it to do, and 
should not try to "second guess" them. This second guessing can get 

So if I select the commit message buffer, I told the software to select 
it by clicking it. I did not tell it to switch my diff view. This switch 
of view can prove to be disorienting/confusing to a user because they 
did not select any diff. They selected a text box.

At the very least, I think we should have a config option, and it should 
be turned off by default. That said, I'd certainly like to hear what 
other people think on this topic.
> FWIW I've also got 2 comments on this in GH[1].
> [1] https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/2341

Pratyush Yadav

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