On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 11:13:12PM +0100, David Krmpotic wrote:

> Hi guys! Thank you for responses.. I haven't suspected that repos
> created via GitHub windows app would have union set by default :( have
> to ask them about it.. it seems wrong to me… Here are the defaults for
> a windows repo created with GitHub for windows app:
> [...]
> # Custom for Visual Studio
> *.cs     diff=csharp
> *.sln    merge=union
> *.csproj merge=union
> *.vbproj merge=union
> *.fsproj merge=union
> *.dbproj merge=union

Yeah, I think defaulting to merge=union there is questionable. In an
ideal world, the GitHub for Windows folks would ship a specialized merge
helper for handling VS project files. It can be open-source and
distributed separately for people who don't use GitHub, but they can
integrate it seamlessly into the GitHub client. So everybody wins.

I see you've already written to GitHub support; thanks. I'll make sure
your issue gets routed to the right people, and I'll see if I can
convince them to write the specialized tool. :)

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