Am 04.06.2013 11:05, schrieb Andrey Kiyanovsky:
> I have tried Git 1.8.3 for Windows. Case is fixed. Thank you very much!
> 2013/6/4 Jeff King <>:
>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:40:56AM +0300, Andrey Kiyanovsky wrote:
>>> Git version for Windows
>>> Git config:
>>> [core]
>>>       repositoryformatversion = 0
>>>       filemode = false
>>>       bare = false
>>>       logallrefupdates = true
>>>       symlinks = false
>>>       ignorecase = true
>>>       hideDotFiles = dotGitOnly
>>>       compression = 1
>> In the past there have been some problems with status listings of
>> untracked files when core.ignorecase is in use. I fixed some cases with
>> a commit that went into v1.7.8, but some problems remained. Karsten
>> Blees (cc'd) did some work that went into git v1.8.1.6, but I do not
>> know off-hand if it would fix your case or not.

Yep, the hash collision bug can definitely cause this with ignorecase=true, 
glad it helped.

Another case in which Git for Windows will report tracked files as untracked is 
if you upgrade from < 1.7.10 with non-ASCII file names in the repository. 
Particularly annoying are hyphens (\u00ad), which look just like ASCII minus 
(\u002d). See [1] for details.

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