On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 03:03:14PM +0200, Marc Strapetz wrote:
> I'm looking for a specification or guidelines on how a Git client should
> integrate with bug tracking systems. For SVN, one can use
> bugtraq-properties [1] to specify e.g. the issue tracker URL or how to
> parse the bug ID from a commit message. AFAIU, there is nothing
> comparable for Git [2]? If that's actually the case, is someone
> interested in working out a similar specification for Git?
> [1] 
> http://code.google.com/p/tortoisesvn/source/browse/tags/version_1.2.0/doc/issuetrackers.txt
> [2] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17545548

The Git way to record the issue ID as a footer in the commit message.
See for example [1].  Although I'm not aware of any standard for naming
this footer.

In terms of recording the URL and other data, I think you'd want a
dotfile in the repository (perhaps .bugzilla).  This shoudld probably be
in the gitconfig format, like .gitmodules.

I think "all" it needs is to draw up a spec for the names of keys and
format of their values, along with the format of footer(s) identifying
issues associated with a commit and to persuade UI developers to support
it... ;-)

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