"Kyle J. McKay" <mack...@gmail.com> writes:

> Previously the <url> had to specify an exactly matching user name
> and password if those were present in the url being matched against.
> Now the password portion is always ignored and omitting the user
> name from <url> allows it to match against any user name.
> Signed-off-by: Kyle J. McKay <mack...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  Documentation/config.txt |  29 +++--


> diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
> index e461f32..c418adf 100644
> --- a/Documentation/config.txt
> +++ b/Documentation/config.txt
> @@ -1517,15 +1517,26 @@ http.<url>.*::
>       Any of the http.* options above can be applied selectively to some urls.
>       For example "http.https://example.com.useragent"; would set the user
>       agent only for https connections to example.com.  The <url> value
> +     matches a url if it refers to the same scheme, host and port and the
> +     path portion is an exact match or a prefix that matches at a "/"
> +     boundary.  If <url> does not include a user name, it will match a url
> +     with any username otherwise the user name must match as well (the
> +     password part, if present in the url, is always ignored).  Longer <url>
> +     path matches take precedence over shorter matches no matter what order
> +     they occur in.  For example, if both "https://u...@example.com/path"; and
> +     "https://example.com/path/name"; are used as a config <url> value and
> +     then "https://u...@example.com/path/name/here"; is passed to a git
> +     command, the settings in the "https://example.com/path/name"; section
> +     will be preferred because that <url> has a longer path length match than
> +     "https://u...@example.com/path"; even though the latter did match the
> +     user.  For same length matches, the last one wins except that a same
> +     length <url> match that includes a user name will be preferred over a
> +     same length <url> match that does not.  The urls are normalized before
> +     matching so that equivalent urls that are simply spelled differently
> +     will match properly.  Environment variable settings always override any
> +     matches.  The urls that are matched against are those given directly to
> +     git commands.  This means any urls visited as a result of a redirection
> +     do not participate in matching.

A solid wall of text is somewhat hard to read, so I'd queue the
equivalent of the following "git diff -w" output on top.  I also was
trying to see if we can clarify the "length comparison" only refers
to the length of the path part, excluding the length of "user@"
(i.e. when comparing "https://u...@example.com/path"; with
"https://example.com/path";, they are of the same length), which you
can see in the first three lines below.

diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
index c418adf..635ed5d 100644
--- a/Documentation/config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config.txt
@@ -1521,9 +1521,11 @@ http.<url>.*::
        path portion is an exact match or a prefix that matches at a "/"
        boundary.  If <url> does not include a user name, it will match a url
        with any username otherwise the user name must match as well (the
-       password part, if present in the url, is always ignored).  Longer <url>
-       path matches take precedence over shorter matches no matter what order
-       they occur in.  For example, if both "https://u...@example.com/path"; and
+       password part, if present in the url, is always ignored).  A <url>
+       with longer path matches take precedence over shorter matches no matter
+       what order they occur in the configuration file.
+For example, if both "https://u...@example.com/path"; and
 "https://example.com/path/name"; are used as a config <url> value and
 then "https://u...@example.com/path/name/here"; is passed to a git
 command, the settings in the "https://example.com/path/name"; section

I am not yet convinced that the precedence rule specified in this
what we want (I do not have an example why it is *not* what we want,
either).  Another definition could be "if user@ is present in the
request, give lower precedence to config entries for the site
without user@ than entries with user@", and I do not have a strong
opinion myself which one between the two is better (and there may be
third and other possible rule).

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