Am Mittwoch, 4. September 2013, 13:11:39 schrieben Sie:

> this is not an error but intention. From Git 1.8.4, the German translation
> switches from pure German to German+English. For me the most important
> reasons for that are that terms like "Branch" and "Tag" are well-known
> SCM/Git terms for many German people, and using "Zweig" and "Marke" could
> be more confusing than just use the english words.

Ah, OK. I must admit I also use the english words in day-to-day (german) 
conversations. However, in case of tags, when spoken, you have the ability to 
pronounce tag differently (long "a" when you mean day, short "a" for a git 
tag), which is not the case in a written conversation. How about using "neues 
Tag" instead of "neuer Tag"?


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