On 9 September 2013 13:48, Niels Basjes <ni...@basjes.nl> wrote:
> If those scripts were how ever written in a language that is build
> into the git program and the script are run in such a way that they
> can only interact with the files in the local git (and _nothing_
> outside of that) this would be solved.

That sounds interesting.

> Also have a builtin scripting language also means that this would run
> on all operating systems (yes, even Windows).

This would be *very* helpful. It's a total pain trying to get hooks
working across different OSes.

> So I propose the following new feature:
> 1) A scripting language is put inside git. Perhaps a version of python
> or ruby or go or ... (no need for a 'new' language)

That sounds nice but ...

> 2) If a project contains a folder called .githooks in the root of the
> code base then the rules/scripts that are present there are executed
> ONLY on the system doing the actual commit. These scripts are run in
> such a limited way that they can only read the files in the
> repository, they cannot do any networking/write to disk/etc and they
> can only do a limited set op actions against the current operation at
> hand (i.e. do checks, parse messages, etc).

... how would you prevent Ruby/Python/Go/$GeneralProgLang from
executing arbitrary code?

> Like I said, this is just a proposal and I would like to know what you
> guys think.

I love the idea but I'm not sure how feasible it is. I think you would
be forced to copy an existing language and somehow "make it secure"
(seems like a maintenance nightmare) or to create your own language
(potentially a lot of work). But perhaps something more declarative
might be usable?
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