On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 08:01:18PM +0700, Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy wrote:

> I find myself often do "git rebase -i xxx" and replace one "pick" line
> with "edit" to amend just one commit when I see something I don't like
> in that commit. This happens often while cleaning up a series. This
> automates the "replace" step so it sends me straight to that commit.

Yeah, I do this a lot, too.  The interface you propose makes sense to
me, though I'm not sure how much I would use it, as I often do not know
the specifier of the commit I want to change (was it "HEAD~3 or
HEAD~4?"). I guess using ":/" could make that easier.

One comment on the option name:

> +1,edit-one!        generate todo list to edit this commit

I'd expect "-$n" to mean "rebase the last $n commits" (as opposed to
everything not in the upstream). That does not work currently, of
course, but:

  1. It has the potential to confuse people who read it, since it's
     unlike what "-1" means in most of the rest of git.

  2. It closes the door if we want to support "-$n" in the future.

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