Michael Haggerty <mhag...@alum.mit.edu> writes:

> I didn't mean to insult all Windows users in general.  I was only
> referring to the fact that since the default Windows command line is not
> a POSIX shell, even an experienced Windows user might have trouble
> figuring out how to execute a shell loop.  Putting this functionality in
> a git command or script, by contrast, would make it work universally, no
> fuss, no muss.


Be it graft or replace, I do not think we want to invite people to
use these mechansims too lightly to locally rewrite their history
willy-nilly without fixing their mistakes at the object layer with
"commit --amend", "rebase", "bfg", etc. in the longer term.  So in
that sense, adding a command to make it easy is not something I am
enthusiastic about.

On the other hand, if the user does need to use graft or replace
(perhaps to prepare for casting the fixed history in stone with
filter-branch), it would be good to help them avoid making mistakes
while doing so and tool support may be a way to do so.

So, ... I am of two minds.

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