
We are currently working on a single sign on setup for our git install. We are
using git 2.0.2 (ubuntu) plus apache/2.2.22 mod_auth_kerb on the
server side. Here some scenario we are trying to accomplish :

-Without Kerberos ticket stored.
Git ask for username/password.
Result = Authentication failed

-Kerberos ticket in store and BAD password :
Git ask for username/password.
Result = Authentication failed

-Kerberos ticket in Store entering good password :
Git ask for username/password.
Result = Authentication failed on some host, other works

-Kerberos ticket in Store and embedding the username in the URI (aka
Git don't ask for anything or ask for password
Result = Works on some host, other request the password. (Will fail if
the kerberos ticket not in store)

This is a very strange behaviour. It seems to be cause by the way
libcurl and git interact and the way the authentication goes
(Negociate first, then basic auth). I have tried to use the helper to
store invalid authentication information. With not much success.

Any idea ?




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