GitTogether has been hosted at Google's for quite some time :-)
Last one was in 2011

It would be nice to have a joint conference again in the Bay Area.

P.S. Possibly you heard of the global crisis in Europe ... that means nobody 
goes on holiday for a whole month in August anymore ;-( Saving money is more 
the focus rather than spending it on holidays ;-)


On 2 Sep 2014, at 12:21, Theodore Ts'o <> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 08:20:42AM +0100, Luca Milanesio wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Seattle is a very inconvenient location for most of the people
>> coming from Europe: somewhere in the Bay area would be better and
>> less expensive for us.
> Well, the fact that Seattle is inconvnient might not matter that much
> because apparently large numbers of Europeans are on vacation in
> August, and some of them are already complaining that the Plumbers
> Conference is going to be colocated with LinuxCon in Seattle.  :-)
> The Linux Foundation will be hosting its Collaboration Summit (which
> is like LinuxCon, but which is invitation only to members of
> developers community and LF members) in at the Hyatt Santa Rosa August
> 21-25.  Folks would fly in to San Fracisco, but then you would need to
> get up to the Napa Valley, which means renting a car or taking a bus
> up to Santa Rosa.  So that's a bit of a disadvantage, but once you get
> up there, it's quite nice.
> If this is something that folks are interested in, I work with Angela
> pretty closely, since I organize the Kernel Summit, so I'm happy to
> put folks in touch with her.  But before I do that, I have one other
> question.  Has the Git conference/meeting outgrown Google's
> facilities?  Is that an option?
> Cheers,
>                                               - Ted

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