On Sun, Sep 07, 2014 at 06:05:13PM -0500, xmeng wrote:

> The problem with git-blame is that it only reports the last author/commit
> that changed the line, regardless of the magnitude of the change. Sometimes,
> the last author may only change a tiny part of the code and should not be
> blamed. I developed a built-in tool called "git-author" to address this
> problem. Git-author is designed to track the complete development history of
> a line. For the same line of code:
> $ git author -c -L 2235,2235 fs/ext4/mballoc.c
> [...]

Have you tried "git log -L 2235,2235:fs/ext4/mballoc.c --
fs/ext4/mballoc.c"? Can you compare your approach to that of "log -L"?

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