Johannes Schindelin <> writes:

>> > +  for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
>> > +          switch (buffer[i]) {
>> > +          case '\0':
>> > +                  return error_func(obj, FSCK_ERROR,
>> > +                          "invalid message: NUL at offset %d", i);
>> Isn't this "invalid header"?  After all we haven't escaped this loop
>> and haven't seen the message part of the commit object (and it is
>> the same if you are going to later reuse this for tag objects).
> My reasoning for keeping it saying "message" was that a message consists
> of a header and a body. I will change it to "unterminated header" instead,
> also in the error message when no NUL was found.

Because end users think of a "message" in the context of discussing
either a commit or a tag as what they give as the value to the "-m"
option, the object payload consists of a header and a body the
latter of which *is* the message to them.  Choosing a word that is
not "message" is a good way to avoid potential confusion here.

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