Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Perry Hutchison <per...@pluto.rain.com> 
> wrote:
> > David Aguilar <dav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Add a #ifndef guard to ensure that common-cmds.h can only
> >> be included by help.c.
> >
> > ... If these definitions are intended to be private to help.c,
> > why not put them there and eliminate common-cmds.h entirely?
> Have you studied where common-cmds.h comes from?

Not when I wrote that :)

> After you have done so, would you make the same suggestion?

Yes, as a matter of using C in a conventional and non-hackish
manner.  The normal and expected purpose of .h files is to share
definitions among compilation units.  If certain definitions are
-- by design -- intended to be used in only a single compilation
unit, they should not be put in a .h file; that only encourages
other programmers who come along later to use those definitions
in an incorrect way.

If it's too much trouble to have the auto-generation mechanism 
insert the definitions into help.c where they belong, at least
name the auto-generated file something else, like commands-auto.res
or command-list.txt.  A #include file's name does not _have_ to
end in .h, and avoiding the .h convention in a case such as this
would make it blatantly obvious that something unconventional is
being done.
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