On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 09:13:39PM -0700, Junio C Hamano wrote:

> Just being curious, but would the same bug, if allowed to be triggered
> cutting repacking of your repository, have corrupted the resulting bitmap?

I didn't test, but yes, almost certainly. The bug was in list-objects.c,
which is used by pack-objects to generate the list of objects to pack,
as well as to build the bitmaps. So not only would it have corrupted the
bitmaps, a `git repack -ad`[1] would have dropped the object completely,
corrupting the repository!


[1] git-gc uses `repack -Ad`, of course. So assuming you had packed more
    recently than 2 weeks ago, it would have just been ejected to a
    loose object. Small comfort. :)

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