On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 1:08 AM, Michael J Gruber
<g...@drmicha.warpmail.net> wrote:
> Unfortunately, the git archive doc clearly says that the umask is
> applied to all archive entries. And that clearly wasn't the case (for
> extended metadata headers) before Brian's fix.

Hey, it's time for another round of the world-famous "Captain Obvious
Quiz Game"! Yay!

The questions these week are:

 (1) "If reality and documentation do not match, where is the bug?"
    (a) Documentation is buggy
    (b) Reality is buggy

 (2) "Where would you put the horse in relationship to a horse-drawn carriage?"
    (a) in front
    (b) in the carriage

Now, if you answered (a) to both these questions, and had this been a
real quiz show, you might have been a winner and the happy new owner
of a remote-controlled four-slice toaster with a fancy digital timer.

Sadly, this was just a dry-run for the real thing, to give people a
quick taste of the world-famous "Captain Obvious Quiz Game". I hope
you tune in next week for our exciting all-new questions.

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