"R. David Murray" <rdmur...@bitdance.com> writes:

> On git 1.7.1 I ran into the Fatal corruption error in one of my projects.  For
> reasons that are irrelevant I was operating on the repo as user X, a member of
> group Z, but the files were all owned by Y:Z, with (I thought) -rw-rw---
> permissions.  After a bunch of head banging I finally figured out that the
> Fatal error wasn't because the object files were corrupted, but because three
> objects (for reasons unknown to me that are probably lost in the early history
> of the setup of this particular repo...one of the blobs was the first commit)
> were -rw-----.

I can reproduce with Git 1.7.10 by doing a chmod 0 on some object files,
but recent Git's produce

Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
fatal: failed to read object ab2e06e74d922268fbff8d219dad9eee63786947: 
Permission denied

So I guess this has already been fixed :-).

Matthieu Moy
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