From: Alexander Shopov <>

> Can you please disambiguate message:
> msgid "more than one %s"
> It means that something somewhere was repeated but does not point what
> and where. Perhaps users care about that.

If you configure something like:

[trailer "stuff"]
        key = Stuff
        key = Other

You will get:

$ echo | LANG=C git interpret-trailers
warning: more than one trailer.stuff.key

Which means that more than value was configured for the
"trailer.stuff.key" configuration option. And it makes no sense
because only one should be the canonical one.

> It is now used 3 times (trailer.c:552 trailer.c:557
> builtin/remote.c:288) but points to different things that were
> repeated. It used to mean only that there is a "remote' section
> repeated.

In builtin/remote.c the warning is also when more than one value is
given for a configuration option.

Feel free to suggest some more explicit warning in both cases if you
want. (Maybe adding " is configured" at the end would be enough.) A
patch would be even better.

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