Hi Peff,

On Sat, 8 Nov 2014, Jeff King wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 07, 2014 at 02:58:17PM +0100, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> > Under certain circumstances, it makes a *lot* of sense to allow pushing
> > into the current branch. For example, when two machines with different
> > Operating Systems are required for testing, it makes much more sense to
> > synchronize between working directories than having to go via a third
> > server.
> FWIW, I do this without a third server (and without resorting to pull),
> with:
>   host1$ git push host2 master:refs/remotes/host1/master
>   host2$ git merge host1/master
> You can even set up a push refspec to make "git push host2" do the right
> thing.
> That being said, I do like the premise of your patch, as it eliminates
> the extra step on the remote side (which is not that big a deal in
> itself, but when you realize that host2 _did_ have some changes on it,
> then you end up doing the merge there, when in general I'd prefer to do
> all the work on host1 via "git pull").

Plus: you have the luxury of working on an OS that makes ssh'ing from
another machine relatively easy. At least if you have the root password on
your machine. Which, I hate to point it out, is not too common a

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