On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 12:14:44PM +0100, Olaf Hering wrote:
> How can I reduce the disk usage for multiple copies of the same repo?

You can use --local och --shared. As you say --shared can be dangerous.
If you don't understand the man page enough to know how you should
manage your clones you should probably not use it.

--local seems to be what you're looking for.

However as a side note I'm curious about what your use case is. Why do
you need this many repos?

Your setup looks familiar to me for a subversion user switching to git
and trying to use git as subversion. The common usecase is not to have
multiple worktrees but to do a checkout to the worktree you need to work
on. This is possible with git since it's very fast and I recommend you
to try to use one worktree.

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Fredrik Gustafsson

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