On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 06:46:19AM +0100, Elia Pinto wrote:

> > [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_and_time_representation_by_country
> > [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar_date
> Isn't not so good to refer to external resources  in a commit message ?

It is not good to omit any explanation and just include a link, like:

  Fixes the bug reported in http://...

because people who are reading "git log" have to follow that link to
even see what you are talking about (and the link might go away, or they
might not have access at the time).

It is fine, and even desirable, to summarize the relevant content of a
resource and provide a link for people who want to dig further. In this
case, I am saying "Wikipedia claims that nobody uses this format" and
backing it up with a link to indicate which pages I checked. You do not
have to follow the link to know what I am saying, but if you want to
dig deeper, you at least know where I left off my research.

Does that make sense?

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