On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 05:17:52PM +0100, Carsten Mattner wrote:

> I'm looking for advice on a tagging scheme, especially pros/cons
> of using a 'v' prefix as in v2.1.0 like git does.
> My impression is that using a common prefix for tags makes it
> simple to distinguish from maintenance branches for past releases
> but it seems that most repositories use tags without a prefix.
> Before I settle on using vX.Y.Z (which I favor right now), I'd like to
> understand why some projects do not prefix tags.

I cannot speak definitely for people who prefer no prefix, but I imagine
that they simply see it as useless noise.

Personally, I like the prefix because it lets me wildcard-match only the
releases (and not other random tags I might have):

  git tag -l 'v*'

Of course I quite often want to drop release-candidate tags from such a
list, too, and I have to resort to "grep -v -- -rc" to do so. :)

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