When a repo has multiple initial commits, the oneline graph can get borked.

It will put a commit * with no parent directly above the next commit * with no 
children. This gives the false impression that the two commits are a sequence 
on a branch. E.g:

* xxxxxxx update of A (#0011)
* xxxxxxx merge of B->A (#0010)
| * xxxxxxx update of B (#0009)
* | xxxxxxx update of A (#0008)
* | xxxxxxx update of A (#0007)
| * xxxxxxx update of B (#0006)
| * xxxxxxx update of B (#0005)
| * xxxxxxx inital commit B (#0004)
| * xxxxxxx update of A' (#0003)
| * xxxxxxx fork of A (#0002)
* xxxxxxx intial commit A (#0001)

It should put a blank line after a commit without a parent, like so:

* xxxxxxx update of A (#0011)
* xxxxxxx merge of B->A (#0010)
| * xxxxxxx update of B (#0009)
* | xxxxxxx update of A (#0008)
* | xxxxxxx update of A (#0007)
| * xxxxxxx update of B (#0006)
| * xxxxxxx update of B (#0005)
| * xxxxxxx inital commit B (#0004)
| * xxxxxxx update of A' (#0003)
| * xxxxxxx fork of A (#0002)
* xxxxxxx intial commit A (#0001)

Unless it is the last commit to be output.

I hit this in the wild https://github.com/pdinc-oss/CipherShed.git, but now 
that the branches are merged the graph looks fine.


-                                                               -
- Jason Pyeron                      PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us -
- Principal Consultant              10 West 24th Street #100    -
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333            Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
-                                                               -
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