I can't agree that 

COMMITID=ef8df950c8d16dace62e55d18b26617b1268f1bc; \
 git cat-file $COMMITID -p |\
 sed -e '/^ /{H;$!d;}; x;/^gpgsig /!d; s/^gpgsig//;' |\
 cut -c 2- |\
 gpg --list-packets --textmode |\
 sed '/keyid/!d; s/.*keyid \([0-9A-F]\{16\}\).*/\1/I'

is the way to go, when 

COMMITID=ef8df950c8d16dace62e55d18b26617b1268f1bc; \
 git log $COMMITID --pretty=format:%GK -n 1


COMMITID=ef8df950c8d16dace62e55d18b26617b1268f1bc; \
 git show $COMMITID --pretty=format:%GK -s

do the same thing.

Is there a way to properly extract the GPG signature object, such that GPG 
operations may be done on it?

Are the git log formats safe to use in scripts (asking because it was said not 
to use at 

If git log with format specifiers is safe to use, would there be interest in 
accepting a patch for 

%Gs - the raw GPG text from the commit
%Gf - the key fingerprint


-                                                               -
- Jason Pyeron                      PD Inc. http://www.pdinc.us -
- Principal Consultant              10 West 24th Street #100    -
- +1 (443) 269-1555 x333            Baltimore, Maryland 21218   -
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