On Feb 4, 2015, at 07:19, Peter Krefting wrote:
Using "git branch --no-merged" I can get a list of branches that I have that I haven't merged into my current branch. "git tag" doesn't have such an option, is there a way to achieve something similar listing tags that point to commits that aren't in my history?

I think something like this might do what you want:

git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/tags | \
while read t; do
  if ! git merge-base --is-ancestor $t HEAD; then
    echo ${t#refs/tags/}

If you run that on the Git repository (assuming you've checked out master), after a while (there are a lot of tags to check) it spits out v1.4.4.5 (along with some complaints about *-gpg-pub tags that refer to blobs).

And sure enough, `git log v1.4.4.5 ^master` shows 5 commits not contained in master so I think it does what you want. You'll want to restrict the for-each-ref output further, if possible, to make it quicker.


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