On Sun, Mar 08, 2015 at 04:51:36PM +0100, Kevin D wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 07, 2015 at 01:30:07AM +0000, Ken Moffat wrote:
> > Hi, please CC me if that is not your usual fashion, because I am not
> > subscribed.
> > 
> > I use git for my build scripts - those are accessed over nfs.  Since
> > I started using 2.1 and later (I don't think I used 2.0) commands
> > such as 'commit' take a long time before anything happens.  I
> > assumed that the newer version meant this would take longer.
> > 
> > But today^Wyesterday I was bisecting the kernel on a local
> > filesystem - even when the number of revisions left to test was in
> > the single digits, git bisect took a long time to decide which
> > revision should be the next one to test.  The filesystems are ext4.
> > Is this sort of delay normal now?
> > 
> > What really prompted me to ask is that I ran git blame on a script,
> > to see when I made a particular change so that I could add that
> > information to a ticket, and almost gave up waiting because it felt
> > as if it was taking for ever.
> > 
> What kind of repository are we talking about? How many files, how big?
> Git should not have become significantly slower recently.

The comments on git bisect were for linus'skernel tree, on a local
disk.  2.3GB of repo, just under 57000 files.

My own repo of build scripts, where I have noticed the delay before
git commit lets me type in the message, is an nfs v3 mount from
another of my machines in the same room - ping between them gives
times of 0.25 to 0.3 seconds and I think the nfs part is irrelevant.
Here, the size is 70MB and 12133 files [ about 1500 scripts total,
so the rest is from the commits ].

Some of this might be the drives - on the desktop with linus's tree
the machine only supports SATA2 (3GB/S), but the machine serving my
scripts goes back further and probably only supports SATA1 (1.5GB/S)

> Also, might there be anti-virus software that slows down file access?

No, this is all local access on linux machines.

Nanny Ogg usually went to bed early. After all, she was an old lady.
Sometimes she went to bed as early as 6 a.m.
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