
On 2015-04-16 13:10, Thomas Braun wrote:
> Am 16.04.2015 um 12:03 schrieb Andreas Mohr:
>> over the years I've had the same phenomenon with various versions of msysgit
>> (now at 1.9.5.msysgit.0, on Windows 7 64bit), so I'm now sufficiently
>> confident of it being a long-standing, longer-term issue and thus I'm
>> reporting it now.
> (CC'ing msysgit)

Good idea.

>> Since I'm doing development in a sufficiently rebase-heavy manner,
>> I seem to aggregate a lot of objects.
>> Thus, when fetching content I'm sufficiently frequently greeted with
>> a git gc run.
>> This, however, does not work fully reliably:
>>     Auto packing the repository for optimum performance. You may also
>>     run "git gc" manually. See "git help gc" for more information.
>>     Counting objects: 206527, done.
>>     Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
>>     Compressing objects: 100% (27430/27430), done.
>>     Writing objects: 100% (206527/206527), done.
>>     Total 206527 (delta 178632), reused 206527 (delta 178632)
>>     Unlink of file 
>> '.git/objects/pack/pack-ab1712db0a94b5c55538d3b4cb3660cedc264c3c.pack' 
>> failed. Should I try again? (y/n) n
>>     Unlink of file 
>> '.git/objects/pack/pack-ab1712db0a94b5c55538d3b4cb3660cedc264c3c.idx' 
>> failed. Should I try again? (y/n) n
>>     Checking connectivity: 206527, done.
>> A workable workaround for this recurring issue
>> (such a fetch will fail repeatedly,
>> thereby hampering my ability to update properly)
>> is to manually do a "git gc --auto"
>> prior to the fetch (which will then succeed).
> I've never had this issue. The error message from unlinking the file
> means that someone is still accessing the file and thus it can not be
> deleted (due to the implicit file locking on windows).

Best guess is that an antivirus is still accessing it. There is a tool called 
`WhoUses.exe` in msysGit (I do not remember if I included it into Git for 
Windows 1.x for end users) which could be used to figure out which process 
accesses a given file still: 
https://github.com/msysgit/msysgit/blob/master/mingw/bin/WhoUses.exe (maybe 
that would help you identify the cause of the problem).

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