Hi there.

One of my repos started giving an error on 'git gc' recently:

 $ git gc
 error: Could not read 7713c3b1e9ea2dd9126244697389e4000bb39d85
 Counting objects: 3052, done.
 Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
 Compressing objects: 100% (531/531), done.
 Writing objects: 100% (3052/3052), done.
 Total 3052 (delta 2504), reused 3052 (delta 2504)
 error: Could not read 7713c3b1e9ea2dd9126244697389e4000bb39d85

(Yes, the error comes twice).

I tried:

 $ git cat-file -t 7713c3b1e9ea2dd9126244
 fatal: Not a valid object name 7713c3b1e9ea2dd9126244

Otherwise, everything works fine.

I used that repo initially on Win7 with an older msysgit installation but
also tried the latest git-for-windows installer, and version 2.4.2 on linux.
All give the same error (no matter if I clone or copy the repo).

Unfortunately I cannot make the repo publically available.

Any chance to get rid of that error ?

/dev/random says: When it comes to humility, I'm the very BEST there is!
python -c "print 
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