On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 6:15 AM, Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> wrote:
>  3 & 4 as a single patch may make more sense, if we were to tolerate the
> "let's copy & paste first and then later remove the duplicate" as a way to
> postpone touching "tag.c" side in order to first concentrate on for-each-ref.
> I have not formed a firm opinion on what the right split of the series is, but
> so far (assuming that the temporary duplication is the best we can do) what
> I am seeing in this series makes sense to me.
> Thanks.

That would mean squashing 3&4, 6&7 and 10&11 also on similar lines.

Karthik Nayak
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