On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Shawn Pearce <spea...@spearce.org> wrote:
>>> I chose to use LMDB for the database.  LMDB has a few features that make
>>> it suitable for usage in git:
>> One of the complaints that Shawn had about sqlite is that there is no
>> native Java implementation, which makes it hard for JGit to ship a
>> compatible backend. I suspect the same is true for LMDB, but it is
>> probably a lot simpler than sqlite (so reimplementation might be
>> possible).
> Yes. Whatever the default standard format is for git-core, we need
> that format to be easily supportable from JGit. Loading code via JNI
> is not "easily supportable".

I'm under the impression that this will be opt-in, not completely
replacing fs-based ref backend. Anyway, any recommendation about
database format or engine that is more friendly to Java and JGit (and
preferably has good C support too)?
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