On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 07:51:30PM +0700, Duy Nguyen wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 6:48 PM, Patrick Steinhardt <p...@pks.im> wrote:
> > When cloning a repository from a server's root, that is the URL's
> > path component is a '/' only, we fail to generate a sensible
> > repository name when the URL contains authentication data. This
> > is especially bad when cloning URLs like
> > 'ssh://user:pas...@example.com/', which results in a repository
> > 'pas...@example.com' being created.
> >
> > Improve the behavior by also regarding '@'-signs as a separator
> > when scanning the URL. In the mentioned case this would instead
> > result in a directory 'example.com' being created.
> My initial reaction was, if you put password on the command line, you
> deserve it. However, as we improve this heuristics, perhaps it's
> better to export parse_connect_url() from connect.c and use it here?
> We would have more robust parsing. You can create a repo named
> example.com given the url ssh://user:p...@example.com:123/. Maybe it's
> overkill?

Sure, specifying passwords on command line should not be done
easily. Still those heuristics fail for everything that does
not include an additional [:/] when the URL's path is empty. So I
guess using parse_connect_url() would be the most sane solution
for this, as it will also fix the case when you specify a port,
which would currently use the port as directory name. I'll whip
up a new version that uses parse_connect_url().

> > Signed-off-by: Patrick Steinhardt <p...@pks.im>
> > ---
> > I was not able to come by with a useful test as that would
> > require being able to clone a root directory. I couldn't find
> > anything in the current tests that looks like what I want to do.
> > Does anybody have an idea on how to achieve this?
> There's t/t1509/prepare-chroot.sh that will prepare a chroot for this
> purpose. You'll need linux, busybox and chroot permission.

Thanks for the hint.


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