Jan Viktorin <vikto...@rehivetech.com> writes:

> Authen::SASL gives:
> No SASL mechanism found
>  at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Authen/SASL.pm line 77.
>  at /usr/share/perl5/core_perl/Net/SMTP.pm line 207.
> The SASL library does not check validity of mechanisms'
> names (or I did not find it). It just tries to load one
> that matches both the ours and the server side ones.
> ...
> I would like to include the regex check based on RFC 4422
> as I've already mentioned. at least, it filters out the
> unwanted characters like '/', '.', etc.

Hmm, is there a way to ask Authen::SASL what SASL mechanism the
installed system supports?  If so, the enhancement you are adding
could be

        my @to_use;
        if ($smtp_auth_whitelist is supplied) {
                my @installed = Authen::SASL::list_mechanisms();
                for (@installed) {
                        if ($_ is whitelisted) {
                                push @to_use, $_;

and @to_use can later be supplied when we open the connection as the
list of mechanisms we allow the library to pick.

Just my $.02
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