Adam Dinwoodie <> writes:

> If the desired goal is that Cygwin's link(2) acts like POSIX link(2)
> on network drives, I'm not convinced that's possible, at least not by
> emulating `core.createObject = rename` in the Cygwin library
> layer.

The way core.createObject=rename makes things work is by avoiding
link(2) in the first place and using rename(2) instead.  You might
be able to emulate rename(2) of A to B by doing a link(2) of A to B
and then unlink(2) of A, but I do not think it is reasonable for the
system call emulation layer to detect a sequence of link followed by
unlink and use rename, i.e. emulationg the other way around.

So I suspect "fix in Cygwin" is a non-starter.

But in the end, I'd prefer the choice of the compiled-in default up
to the port maintainers.  You earlier said:

    This problem was reported on the Cygwin mailing list at (amongst others) and
    is being applied as a manual patch to the Cygwin builds until the patch
    is taken here.

so my preference is to see Cygwin continue to do so for a couple
release cycles of ours to make sure all Cygwin end-users are happy
and consider the flip of the default a good change for them, and
then the official Cygwin packager of Git sends a patch our way. seems to indicate
that somebody called Adam Dinwoodie is wearing Git maintainer hat,
so perhaps you may be that "official Cygwin packager of Git" ;-)

I agree with everything you said in that message to Peter---the
patch should be included when you hear reports of `git config
core.createObject rename` helping more people.  After versions of
Cygwin Git package with such a change proves good, let's reduce the
workload of Cygwin Git maintainer by upstreaming that change to my
tree.  But not before.


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