On Fri, 21 Aug 2015, Jeff King wrote:
>   - we may still have the opposite problem with renames. That is, a
>     rename is _also_ a deletion, but will go to the end. So I would
>     expect renaming the symlink "foo" to "bar" and then adding
>     "foo/world" would end up with:
>        M 100644 :3 foo/world
>        R foo bar
>     (because we push renames to the end in our sort). And indeed,
>     importing that does seem to get it wrong (we end up with "bar/world"
>     and no symlink).
> We can't fix the ordering in the second case without breaking the first
> case. So I'm not sure it's fixable on the fast-export end.

Hmm, renames have a more fundamental ordering problem: swapping two 
(normal) files and using fast-export -C -B results in

  R foo bar
  R bar foo

which cannot be reimported correctly without fast-import fixes.

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