> in a future version of git you should be able to do "git tag 
--merged" to get the tags that are "merged" to a particular branch. 

Would it return every tag in the branch, even if it was created in that branch, 
and not merged from somewhere else? If no, than it's not what I am looking for. 

(Or more precisely: would it give a list of all tags, that point to commits 
present in the specified branch, regardless of whether these commits were 
originally done in that branch or merged from another branch? I hope my 
understanding of git is correct here...)

I was able to achieve my goal with a Python script, that

- gets a list of all commit hashes for a given branch and creates a set
- creates a dictionary / hashmap from refs/tags/*, using commit hashes as keys 
and tag names as values
- creates a set from dictionary keys
- does an intersection operation using both sets
- and maps the remaining hashes back to tag names.

See the updated SO question:


Thank you Peff!

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