Junio C Hamano <gits...@pobox.com> writes:

> While the reordering would certainly stop showing the comments and
> patch, I am not sure if that is a move in the right direction.  It
> will rob from the hooks information that they have traditionally
> been given---

The information given in the comments do not have a 100% stable format,
and the hook is executed after letting the user possibly edit or delete
it, so I'm tempted to say that a hook using the commit comment is

Using the diff in the hook _is_ really broken: it relies on the user
calling "git commit" with -v, and there's nothing to garantee that.

> it will break some hooks.

It will also repair some hooks that were broken, but whose breakage was
never noticed or never explained.

> After all, interpret-trailers was invented exactly because we did not
> want individual hooks to roll their own ways to detect the end of the
> message proper, so the command should know where the message ends.

Right, but you can't prevent people from writting

command-that-shows-stuff >> "$1"

in their commit-msg hook. And these people will keep wondering why their
hook "sometimes doesn't work" (that's how I considered it for a while,
it took me a few commits to notice the correlation between "-v" and lack
of sign-off).

Matthieu Moy
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