Looks like you have it installed properly.  The typical usage is from
the terminal, (try `git --version` to be sure).  There is also a
pretty great UI packaged with git called git-gui.  You should be able
to make a link or an alias to it in your Applications folder (or
invoke it from the terminal `git gui`).

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 2:50 AM, Spencer Graves
<spencer.gra...@prodsyse.com> wrote:
> What's the procedure for installing Git under OS X 10.11?
> I downloaded "git-2.5.3-intel-universal-mavericks.dmg" per instructions.
> When I tried to install it, I first had trouble because it wasn't from the
> Mac App Store nor an "identified developer".  I ultimately found "System
> Preferences" > "Security & Privacy" > "Click the lock to make changes" >
> entered password > AND clicked to "Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere".
> Then the install appeared to run and  proclaimed, "The installation was
> successful."  However, git is not listed under "Applications", and RStudio
> says, "Git was not detected on the system path."
> "README.txt" says I need "sudo mv /usr/bin/git /usr/bin/git-system".  I
> tried that and got, "mv: rename /usr/bin/git to /usr/bin/git-system:
> Operation not permitted" (after entering my password).  [My directory now
> includes "/usr/local/git", and "/usr/bin" includes git, git-cvsserver,
> git-receive-pack, git-shell, git-upload-archive, and git-upload-pack.]
> Suggestions?  Thanks, Spencer Graves
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