On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 08:43:58PM -0400, Noam Postavsky wrote:

> > I'm not clear on when the pre-helper would be run. Git runs the helper
> > when it needs a credential. What git command would start it?
> I was just thinking in terms of our current workaround, it would have
> been helpful to be able to run a command just before the helpers are
> run. Or in other words, as the first helper. (doing "git -c
> credential.helper=foo" puts foo as the last helper).

If you know the helper you want to run, you are free to just run "git
credential-foo". So I don't think that helps the inelegance of your
workaround (the real inelegance is that you are assuming that "foo"
needs run in the first place).

I'm still not sure how the pre-helper would work. What git command kicks
off the pre-helper command? Wouldn't it also be subject to the SIGHUP

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