On zo, 2015-11-08 at 22:23 +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to abuse git as a code distribution channel and would
> like
> to be able to trigger redistribution just by git push.

[insert obligatory remark about git not being a deployment tool]

> The idea is to push to a remote to the branch that is currently
> checked out followed by a git reset --hard in the post-receive hook.
> I
> have already figured out that I need to set receive.denyCurrentBranch
> to ignore to be able to push to the currently checked out branch.

You'll need a new enough git, so you can set it to updateInstead (and
maybe use a push-to-checkout hook).

> I am also aware that it is a good idea to git pull before git push
> just in case there were local commits on the remote.

No, hooks should never pull, merge or do anything that could be

> git reset --hard will unconditionally throw away local uncommitted
> changes. I would like to detect this situation on the remote and
> abort
> the receive progress. But my pre-receive hook does not work as
> intended. Here is my code:
> [snip code]
> What is going wrong here?

You mention a post-receive hook first, but have written a pre-receive
hook. Not sure if that's what you intended (or even if that's what's
going wrong).

> If my entire approach is wrong, what is the recommended way to 
> prevent a repository with unstaged or uncommitted changes from being 
> pushed to?

Push-to-checkout is a very simplistic way of deploying and while it
works in simple cases, I'd not recommend it. 

Two safer/saner approaches are:
- Have a separate non-bare repo, and make the post-receive hook in a
  bare repo trigger a fetch+reset in the non-bare one
- Use git archive and symlink trickery for even better deploys

Questions like this come up in #git all the time, so I wrote up a few
more detailed recipes here, including working hooks and config for all
three ways of deploying: 

Dennis Kaarsemaker

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