Hi Jeff,

thanks for the reply!

On Tue, 24 Nov 2015 18:33:28 +0000, Jeff King wrote:
> I didn't dig in the archive, but I think we discussed the "just show
> progress for destinations" before. The problem you run into is that the
> items aren't a good indication of the amount of work. You really are
> doing n*m work, so if you just count "m", it can be very misleading if
> "n" is high (and vice versa).

True, but the loops do progress indication for destinations only anyway.
So if you only have three destinations and a zillion sources, you
will still get only three progress updates, even if they say
'one zillion (33%)', 'two zillion (67%)', ...

I think as long as this is the case we can as well report the destination
count; maybe put the source count somewhere in the progress text.

> Might it make more sense just to move to a larger integer size?

Which would be? I'd venture into the progress code to identify
the necessary changes.

> Or
> perhaps to allow a higher limit for each side as long as the product of
> the sides does not overflow?

We're somewhat close to getting there. The rename detection runs
for several minutes in our cases.


"Totally trivial. Famous last words."
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Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 07:29:21 -0800
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