On 12/20/2015 08:29 AM, Jeff King wrote:
> Once upon a time, create_symref() was used only to point
> HEAD at a branch name, and the variable names reflect that
> (e.g., calling the path git_HEAD). However, it is much more
> generic these days (and has been for some time). Let's
> update the variable names to make it easier to follow:
>   - `ref_target` is now just `ref`, matching the declaration
>     in `cache.h` (and hopefully making it clear that it is
>     the symref itself, and not the target).

I've been trying to name variables that hold reference names "refname"
to distinguish them clearly from other representations of references,
like "struct ref_entry *".

> [...]

Otherwise LGTM.


Michael Haggerty

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