On Mon, 15 Feb 2016 18:06:33 +0000, Lars Schneider wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> I am looking into a similar issue with SourceTree on Windows right now. 
> However, in my case it only happens when I switch branches.

Semi-bingo. That is actually a difference between the workspace this
happens in and the others. This one works on many branches; the others
clone anew for each new branch.

I investigated the Git commands that SourceTree triggers and it looks like it 
is doing something like this:

> (1) Run checkout command
> git.exe --no-pager -c color.branch=false -c color.diff=false -c 
> color.status=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false 
> checkout MY-BRANCH
> (2) Run rev-parse command 
> git.exe --no-pager -c color.branch=false -c color.diff=false -c 
> color.status=false -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false 
> rev-parse HEAD^1
> My assumption is that SourceTree triggers these two commands in parallel and 
> sometimes (2) locks the repo first which makes (1) fail.

That would be partly a bug in SourceTree to do so.

> Does your Git process run on Windows, too?

No. RHEL7 Linux.

> Is there a possibility that you issue Git commands in parallel?

I don't think so, except for background GC (which isn't quite background -
one phase seems to still run foregrounded).

> I also have read that certain anti virus software can trigger these errors on 
> Windows.

That is an ugly problem indeed.

> I looked through the Git code found that increasing "core.packedrefstimeout" 
> [1] might help in some cases that trigger this error [2] but not in others 
> [3]. In my case this seems to help. Maybe it's worth a try for you, too?

I may need to look into that. Because sometimes the lock causes my
automatic process to fail but the lock file isn't there anymore when
I get to cleanup. But sometimes it keeps existing.


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