On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 3:28 AM, Mathias Nyman <m.ny...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On 2016-02-25 17:23-0500, Eric Sunshine wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 5:25 AM, Mathias Nyman <mathias.ny...@iki.fi>
>> wrote:
>>> -       cat <<-EOF
>>> -               $commit_message
>>> -
>>> -               git-subtree-dir: $dir
>>> -               git-subtree-mainline: $latest_old
>>> -               git-subtree-split: $latest_new
>>> -       EOF
>>> +       echo $commit_message
>>> +       echo
>>> +       echo git-subtree-dir: $dir
>>> +       echo git-subtree-mainline: $latest_old
>>> +       echo git-subtree-split: $latest_new
>> It's not clear why this code was changed to use a series of echo's in
>> place of the single cat. Although the net result is the same, this
>> appears to be mere code churn. If your intention was to make it
>> similar to how squash_msg() uses a series of echo's, then that might
>> make sense, however, rejoin_msg() uses the same single 'cat' as
>> add_msg(), so inconsistency remains. Thus, it's not clear what the
>> intention is.
> Using a mixutre of heredoc and echo felt messy. But I'll change it
> back to heredoc here, and through out the commit aim for near-zero
> refactoring.

An alternative would be to have a preparatory patch which unifies the
heredoc vs. echo issue across add_msg(), squash_msg(), rejoin_msg(),
but I wouldn't insist upon it (that's just more work for you). Leaving
this bit alone is a reasonable choice.

>>> +       repo="$4" # optional
>>>         newsub_short=$(git rev-parse --short "$newsub")
>>> -
>>> +
>> Okay, this change is removing an unnecessary tab. Perhaps the commit
>> message can say that the patch fixes a few whitespace inconsistencies
>> while touching nearby code.
> Will undo the whitespace fixing.

Oh, I wasn't insisting that you should undo the whitespace fix.
Typically, you'd make such fixes in a preparatory cleanup patch, but
since there are only two cases here that you've fixed, it probably
wouldn't hurt to retain them (if that's all there are in the file).
The reason I suggested mentioning the whitespace fixes in the commit
message is to let the reviewer know that they weren't cases of you
accidentally making unwanted whitespace changes (like inserting tabs
rather than removing them). As it was, as a reviewer, I had to go
through extra effort to determine whether you had made a fix or had
accidentally botched something.

>>>  cmd_merge()
>>>  {
>>> -       revs=$(git rev-parse $default --revs-only "$@") || exit $?
>>> +       revs=$(git rev-parse $default --revs-only "$1") || exit $?
>> Why is this variable still named 'revs' (plural) since you're only
>> passing in $1 now rather than $@?
> Because technically the result can still be more then one rev I guess.
> Consider 'git rev-parse HEAD~1..HEAD', which would return two hashes.

Okay, so I was missing something obvious.
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