On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 05:30:00AM +1100, Marcus Kida wrote:

> thank you for the feedback.
> I will fix this, test it and send a patch.

Unfortunately, I think this issue is a little more complicated.

There's some prior discussion in




The latter, in particular, shows a case where this approach will do the
wrong thing. The fundamental issue is that refs are potentially stored
in _two_ places: the filesystem, and the packed-refs file. And the
latter is always case-sensitive, while the former sometimes is and
sometimes isn't. But because the storage all happens behind the scenes,
the user has no way of reliably disambiguating (e.g., does "foo" refer
to your checked-out "FOO", or are you intentionally trying to delete an
extraneous "FOO" that ended up in the packed-refs file?).

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